A mental healthcare platform connecting everyday people together based on interests. I was the COO, Founder and Product Designer during my time at Squish. I was responsible for the user interface, management of design, functionality and development of oversight of the overall project. I developed the organizational vision, mission and foundational structure to facilitate early growth. Led user acquisition and played a key role in branding. Drove efforts to gain working capital of $20,000 to grow Squish from ground up. Recruited and interviewed job candidates via diverse traditional and digital routes for suitability for key positions. Grew company from just 2 to 10 employees with a Development and Marketing department.
Below you will see the various forms of content created during my time at Squish
Squish will find, identify, and solve the problem of expensive therapeutic sessions that the average Joe cannot afford. With therapy success rates high, as well as costs – primarily due to advanced degrees, time spent on paperwork, space – there is a huge opportunity to change the current process. We will focus on being an intermediary platform connecting individuals with current “counselors”
Selected Sketches
User Personas
Initial Prototype + Wireframes
Official Home Page
Seamless Login Experience
Onboarding Process
Landing Page
Official iOS Screens
Business Cards
Evolution of Ambassador Flyers
Application Flyer
Marketing Tri-Folds
This is the #SquishTheStigma App Promotion Flyer. Our brand strategy was to start a trend of #SquishTheStigma to end the mental health stigma.